
Websites That Work



What we think of Websites That Work:

Websites That Work is a terrific beginner course on how to create websites.
This course has 33 videos plus some extra information on what and how you should do!

You’ll learn everything from buying and setting up your domain to setting up funnels!

This video course is included in Web Design Wealth



Discover The Strategies Used By Online Business Pros To Dramatically Increase Their Sales

Stop Spinning Your Wheels And Start Growing Your Bank Account

If you are a freelancer, where do prospects go to hire you?

Your web page.

If you are a personal brand, where do your followers go to buy your products?

Your web page.

If you are a small business owner, how do you make online sales?

Your web page.

See the similarities here?

If you don’t know how to create an effective website, landing page, or sales funnel… you will have a very hard time succeeding in online business.

Don’t Be Like Me

As a young teen, I was extremely interested in starting my own online business.

I tried, and failed, with multiple different business models. Here are a few:

  • A fitness YouTube channel
  • A digital art Instagram page
  • Freelancing with Facebook Ads/SEO
  • Dropshipping
  • Starting an eCommerce store
  • Many more

Guess what my main problem was?

Not understanding the basics of making sales online. If you can’t make sales, you don’t actually have a business… you have a hobby.

In order to make sales online, you need to understand the parts of a website that actually MAKE SALES.

Throwing a website up and praying that you will be a millionaire won’t work, sorry.

Most Fail Before They Even Start

The solution to your problems is going back to the basics (not cutting corners).

Learning how to create high-converting websites, landing pages, and sales funnels that will result in more:

✅ Product sales

✅ Affiliate sales

✅ High ticket service sales

✅ Email signups

✅ Blog readers

Not only will your conversions increase, but you will learn a high ROI skill that people consistently pay $1500, $5000, or even $10,000 to have done for them.

This skill is a MUST for every entrepreneur.

Without it, you might as well write “I’m okay with getting half the results as I could be” on your forehead.

Introducing: Websites That Work

Let’s just skip the small talk and hop straight into what this course is about.

✅ Software that makes it extremely quick and simple to create high performing websites, landing pages, or sales funnels (without learning to code)

✅ Exactly HOW to increase the number of sales or email subscribers you get

✅ How to turn website viewers into eager customers

✅ 8 aspects you NEED on your web page

✅ Copywriting basics – AKA how to convince people to buy with your writing

✅ Breakdowns of successful business websites and how you can ethically steal their secrets

All of this is presented in a streamlined, ready-to-implement style video course.

Free Bonuses Just For You

✅ How to turn your website into an eCommerce store or sales funnel

✅ How to sell your Gumroad product from your custom landing page

✅ On-page SEO checklist so you can get organic website visitors

Don’t Just Take My Word For it…

“Dan’s courses always provide more than what’s expected from an online course. Most courses I have bought in the past have been dreadful, but Dan’s courses are overwhelmingly good. Super clear and easy to understand while making you excited to get started.”

– Declan Wilkes @DeclanWilkes

“When ordering, I was a bit skeptical. I don’t usually spend money on guides and such, but Dan seemed legit, and I wanted to change my life. After landing 4 clients within 3 months of buying the course – the bundle is worth 10x the price.”

– @HustlingStudent

“If you are looking to make money online with web design then this is the course to get. Most detailed resource I’ve come across and I repeatedly come back to it for the lessons.”

– Paolo Louis @paolorlouis

As someone who has had zero experience with creating websites, this course has everything you need to create websites and landing pages like a pro.

– Devan Campbell @devan711


The Truth Is…

Your website (or lack thereof) isn’t getting you theSee Full Description by pressing the image below.



Websites That Work

Websites That Work is included in Web Design Wealth


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